“Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion, For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the LORD.”
~ Zechariah 2:10


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you ever had a vision? A vision may be a future God – as God the Spirit, directed prophecy or a phantom like apparition that a lack of sleep might cause to occur. About five months after your grandmaa and grandpaa were married, your grandmaa and grandpaa drove to Norfolk, Virginia to spend an evening with one of your grandpaa’s Volga, South Dakota high school classmates – Pete Kellogg, who was living in Norfolk. As your grandmaa and grandpaa were returning to Wilmington, Delaware – where they were living in an apartment, your grandpaa became so tired from driving through the night from Norfolk to Wilmington that he saw an apparition of a guy going across the Governor Printz Blvd in front his car. When your grandpaa thought that he was seeing a guy going across the Governor Printz Blvd in front of his car, he almost stopped his car in the middle of the Governor Printz Blvd. When your grandmaa realized that your grandpaa was stopping in the middle of the Governor Printz Blvd, your grandmaa asked your grandpaa what he was doing. Your grandpaa told your grandmaa that there was a guy going across the Governor Printz Blvd in front of their car and . . . your grandpaa – over forty years later, can still envisage the apparition of a guy going across the Governor Printz Blvd and of almost hitting the guy with his car. Your grandpaa remembers that it was beginning to get light and almost the exact place where he thought that he was seeing a guy going across the Governor Printz Blvd in front of car that had your grandpaa almost stopping his car in the middle of the Governor Printz Blvd.

Zechariah had visions. Zechariah saw apparitions in his visions. Zechariah’s visions were very real to him. Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai. Zechariah and Haggai were a couple of God’s prophet spokesmen about 2525 years ago. Haggai was the key instigator and motivator for the rebuilding of the physical temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem while Zechariah was the key instigator and motivator for underpinning a foundation of hope for the rebuilding of the physical temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. Zechariah and Haggai both lived in the city of Jerusalem. Solomon oversaw the building of the first temple of God in the city of Jerusalem. The temple of God that Solomon oversaw being constructed in the city of Jerusalem was a magnificent structure – possibly one of if not the most awesome, superb structures that has ever built by guys on planet Earth. After King Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army about 2591 years ago were finally able to breach the walls that surrounding the city of Jerusalem, the Babylonian army completely demolished the temple of God that was in the city of Jerusalem that Solomon had overseen being built. After the Babylonian army captured the guys and gals who were living in the city of Jerusalem, the Babylonian army took a significant number of the guys and gals to Babylonia as exiles. After the guys and gals who were living in Babylonia were captured by Persia’s army, God prompted Persia’s king to let His specially chosen guys and gals trickle back to their native country – which was the land of Judah, and to their homes that were in the cities and towns that were in the land of Judah. God’s specially chosen guys and gals – when they got back to their homes that were in the cities and towns that were in the land of Judah after having lived as exiles in Babylonia, settled into a survival mode versus taking on the perceived difficult tasks of reconstructing the temple of God that was in the city of Jerusalem and rebuilding the walls that surrounded the city of Jerusalem. It took Haggai’s intense and continuous urging or nagging before God’s specially chosen guys and gals finally took on the task of reconstructing a structure that was nothing more than a shadow to the original structure that Solomon oversaw built. The structure that Haggai oversaw being rebuilt was still though something that could be called and seen as being the temple of God.

As Haggai pursued his agenda of insuring that the city of Jerusalem would once again host the temple of God, Zechariah visually – through visions, saw why God wanted a temple built again for Him in the city of Jerusalem. As Zechariah saw in a vision the literal structure of a temple being physically built for the purpose of worshipping God, Zechariah also saw through visions the figurative formation of what the city of Jerusalem would someday be like. Zechariah 2 recounts Zechariah’s third vision. A guy with a measuring line in his hand shows up in Zechariah’s third vision. This guy with the measuring line – in Zechariah’s third vision, measures the length and width of the city of Jerusalem. Zechariah in his third vision saw two angels. One of the angels had been speaking to Zechariah. This angel went to meet the second angel. The second angel told the angel who had been speaking to Zechariah to run back to Zechariah to tell Zechariah that because there are going to be in the city of Jerusalem so many guys and livestock that the city of Jerusalem would no longer have walls. The angel also told Zechariah that God in order to protect His specially elected guys and gals who will be inside the unwalled city of Jerusalem site, there would be a wall of fire around the city of Jerusalem. Zechariah was informed in his third vision that two things will one day happen; God will see to it that all the nations and people groups of guys and gals who did not affirm His specially chosen and elected guys and gals will be totally decimated by Him and that He will do just as verse 10 says, “‘Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion, For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the LORD.’ There is going to be a day soon when the city of Jerusalem will be completely saturated with God’s unparalleled glorious presence.

Zechariah 2 (617)