“I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, that you will not arouse or awaken my love until she pleases.”
~ Song of Songs 3:5


Hi James and Ellen,

Do know what it means to fall in love? How do you think that you will feel when you fall in love? Ask your dad how he felt when he fell in love with your ma. Ask your more ma how she felt when she fell in love with your dad. Did your ma think of your dad as being her knight in shining armor? Did your dad think of your ma as being his damsel in white? Solomon fell in love with a gal. Lots of gals fell in love with Solomon. Solomon may very well be the one who wrote a book – which became accepted as a wisdom book in the canon of the Bible, about a guy who was madly in love with a gal and the gal madly in love with the guy. This book which Solomon probably wrote is called the Song of Songs. This book is sometime called the Song of Solomon. Song of Songs is a composition of five different meetings between a guy and a gal who are madly in love with each other. The five verses that begin Song of Songs 3 is the ending of the second meeting between the guy and gal with the words being the words of the gal as she thinks about the guy who she is in madly in love. The last six verses of this chapter is the beginning of the third meeting of the guy and gal and is also seen through the eyes of the gal with the words being the words of the gal as she see the guy again who she is in madly in love.

What do you think will happen when you fall in love? When you fall in love, you will always want to be with that gal if you are a guy and with the guy if you are a gal. If you are a guy, you will want to be with the gal who thinks that you are the most compassionate, nicest, kindest, manliest, wittiest and wisest guy on planet Earth and the guy who she wants to be with for the rest of her life as his helpmate, companion and ma of his kids. If you are a gal, you will want to be with the guy who thinks that you are the most beautiful, enticing, warmest, softest, sweetest, perceptive gal on planet Earth and the gal who he wants to be with for the rest of his life as his eyes, best friend and dad of her kids. The Song of Songs Book author understood what it was like to fall in love. Verse 5 says: “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, that you will not arouse or awaken my love until she pleases.” For a gal when she falls in love with a guy, it is the beginning of a time in the gal’s life that she will never ever forget. When a gal knows that she loves a guy – because the guy loves her, and when the guy knows that he loves the gal – because the gal loves him, their two worlds of feelings, thoughts and activities will become intertwined and meshed primarily on and all around themselves.

The Song of Songs Book writer understood what it was like to be loved by a gal who could not get to sleep because he was not home with her. The Song of Songs Book writer understood what it was like to be loved by a gal who would get up in the middle of the night to wander the city’s streets looking for him so that she could take him to her home to stay with her. The Song of Songs Book writer understood what it was like to be loved by a gal who proudly watches the guy she loves come into the city in his chariot that had been custom made while being escorted by sixty of the noblest fighting guys who had been picked from God’s specially chosen guys. Your grandpaa is not a Solomon. Your grandpaa did not have a vehicle when he first met your grandmaa. Your grandpaa did not have an entourage of a bunch of fancily dressed guys following him around when he met your grandmaa. Your grandpaa did not date gals. Your grandpaa thought of himself as being a farm hick and a nerd. Your grandpaa knew gals who he really wished would like him but . . . until your grandpaa met your grandmaa, your grandpaa did not know what a gal’s love was like. When your grandpaa first saw your grandmaa, your grandpaa saw a gal who he thought was too beautiful to love him. While your grandmaa was a student at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, your grandmaa stayed in the same house where your grandpaa’s sis Cate stayed. During Dordt College’s fall school break, your grandpaa’s sis invited your grandmaa and another gal – who also stayed in the same house where your grandpaa’s sis stayed, to her house which is on a farm near Volga, South Dakota. When your grandpaa’s sis encouraged your grandpaa to call a guy he knew – who had a car, to go bowling on a double date with your grandmaa and grandpaa, your grandpaa called Dennis and . . . and then on the way home from Watertown – which is where the bowling alley was, and just as Dennis started to cross some railroad tracks . . . as your grandpaa got to know your grandmaa, your grandmaa would look into your grandpaa’s eyes with a look that told your grandpaa that your grandmaa was seeing something special in your grandpaa that she really liked. One of the first things that your grandpaa remembers your grandmaa telling him – after he and your grandpaa were married, was that she knew that your grandpaa could do whatever he set his mind on doing. If was not for how your grandmaa showed her love towards your grandpaa over the year that your grandmaa and grandpaa dated while they were students at Dordt College, your grandpaa is very, very sure that he would never have felt that really strong desire and pull to be with your grandmaa where she lived in Wilmington, Delaware. Your grandpaa knew that your grandmaa was not wandering the Wilmington streets looking for him nor was she waiting in a place where she could proudly watch your grandpaa drive into Wilmington in a fancy car but . . . your grandpaa had felt the love of a gal who saw in him a guy who she loved. Your grandpaa believes that the experience of a guy being loved by a gal and a gal being loved by a guy is in God’s plans for your lives. Your grandpaa believes that for a guy a wife will be the most precious earthly treasure that God will give him.

Song of Songs 3 (241)