“Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.”
~ Revelation 6:11


Hi James and Ellen,

Would you like to live someplace where there are horses that you can ride? When your grandpaa was a little kid, your grandpaa’s dad had horses. Your grandpaa remembers teams of horses being used to pull hayracks during threshing runs. Your grandpaa would sometimes ride in the small square, shallow wood box that was nailed to the back of each hayrack. When his horses needed something to eat, a farmer would put some oats in the small square, shallow wood box for them to eat. When your grandmaa was a little kid, your grandmaa’s dad and ma along with your grandmaa, your dad’s Uncle Dale and Aunt Jill would visit your grandmaa’s Uncle Jack and Aunt Maud. Your grandmaa’s Uncle Jack and Aunt Maud lived on a farm that is near Sudlersville, Maryland. Your grandmaa would ride a horse with her cousin Joanne – who was the daughter of your grandmaa’s Uncle Jack and Aunt Maud, when she was on the farm where her Uncle Jack and Aunt Maud lived.

Apostle John in Revelations 6 reported horses carrying riders who God – as God the Father, had given orders to to destroy with different weapons the wickedness that has taken over the guys, gals and kids who are or who will be living on planet Earth when devastation begins to happen. God – as God the Spirit, superintended Apostle John to compose the Revelations Book symbolically and pictorially with three sets of judgments. The first set of judgments is made up of seven seals. As Apostle John scribed the words that God – as God the Spirit, was prompting him to scribe – and which was included in the Revelations Book, your grandpaa thinks that Apostle John was in some kind of trance. As Apostle John was scribing what he was being prompted to scribe, he saw a lamb. Your grandpaa thinks that the Lamb who God – as God the Spirit, had Apostle John see was actually God – as God the Son. The Lamb had been given the responsibility of opening the seals to let out the orders for the first seven different judgments to take place. The other two sets of judgments of seven are symbolically and pictorially introduced with trumpets and bowls. God – as God the Spirit, had Apostle John also see four living creatures. Your grandpaa does not know what the four living creatures looked like. When the Lamb opened the first seal, Apostle John saw a white horse carrying a rider who was holding a bow, wearing a crown and riding as if he was bent on winning a battle. White symbolizes conquest and spotlessness. The white horse and its rider may represent the present work of God – as God the Spirit, as He roams planet Earth to lead the guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Father, specially elected for Himself before He created planet Earth to and through the faith/grace door into the family of Christ-followers and to sanctify or make clean in an ongoing way each Christ-follower. When the Lamb opened the next seal, Apostle John saw a fiery red horse carrying a rider who was waving a sword to take peace away from the guys, gals and kids who are or will be living on planet Earth. Red symbolizes shed blood. The fiery red horse and its rider probably represents the ongoing, internal insurgencies that always seem to be taking place all around planet Earth which has guys killing guys. When the Lamb opened the next seal, Apostle John saw a black horse carrying a rider holding a scale. Black symbolizes famines. The black horse and its rider probably represents the unending famines that always seem to be popping up on the face of planet Earth. When the Lamb opened the next seal, Apostle John saw a pale or an ashen horse carrying a rider whose name was Death and who was pulling Hades behind it. Pale or ashen symbolizes death. The pale or ashen horse and its rider have been given the authority God – as God the Father, to kill one out of every four guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth. Your grandpaa has wondered if the pale or ashen horse and its rider may represent the indefensible killings of unborn babies, the tormenting deaths of guys, gals and kids from diseases like AIDS and from pandemic outbreaks and indiscriminate fatalities from natural disasters.

When the Lamb opened the fifth seal, Apostle John saw an altar and under the altar the souls of all the martyrs who have been led by God – as God the Spirit, to die for spreading the Good News of the victory over death when God – as God the Son, died after being nailed to and hung on a cross. Apostle John heard the martyrs asking when God – as God the Father, was going to pour out His judgments on the guys and gals who are living on planet Earth and when He was going to avenge their lives for dying for the sake of God – as God the Son. Verse 11 says, “Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.” When the Lamb opened the sixth seal, Apostle John felt a great earthquake. Apostle John saw the sun turn black, the moon turn blood red, the stars falling from the sky, the sky being rolled up like a scroll, every mountain and island moving, kings, princes, generals, the rich, the strong, the slaves and the free all looking for a place to hide from the wrath of God – as God the Father. Your grandpaa knows that these days have not yet taken place. Your grandpaa thinks though that these horrific days are going to take place very soon. If these days do take place in your lifetimes, are you ready for these days? Look for a white or a fiery red or a black or a pale or ashen horse racing around the planet Earth – executing the orders of God – as God the Father. Almost sixteen years have passed since this missive was originally written. A coronavirus led pandemic that originated about three years ago in China has led to the deaths of going on seven million guys, gals and kids in countries all over planet Earth. Maybe God – as God the Father, is beginning to pour out His wrath?

Revelation 6 (704)