“And they sang a new song: “‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
~ Revelation 5:9


Hi James and Ellen,

How do you feel when you walk through your house’s front door after you have spent a day at school knowing that your dad and ma are really glad that their kids are home again? How do you think that you are going to feel when you pass through death’s door after you have spent a nanosecond of a blink of time on planet Earth knowing that . . . do you know what your death’s door is going to open up into when you die? When a guy, gal or kid makes a decision of faith, he or she has made a conscious acceptance of what took place on a cross almost 2000 years ago when an incarnate man – whose name was Jesus – who was God – as God the Son, was tied and nailed to that cross as a ransom payment for all past, present and future sins that he or she has committed, are committing and will commit. When a guy, gal or kid makes a decision of faith, he or she has unconditionally internalized believing that the death of Jesus – as God the Son, removed the need to reconcile with God – as God the Father, through doing good works. When a guy, gal or kid makes a decision of faith, he or she innately acknowledges that he or she has been imperceptible prodded to do so by God – as God the Spirit. If a guy, gal or kid has not made decisions of faith, he or she has made a conscious refusal to accept as being true that a guy – whose name was Jesus, was inhumanely tied and viciously nailed to a cross. Guys, gals and kids who have made decisions of faith are living their lives blessed with having a hope spirit in their hearts. Guys, gals and kids who have not made decisions of faith are living their lives with a knot of emptiness in their stomachs. A guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Spirit, has prompted to make a decision of faith has been led to the faith door that God – as God the Father, by His grace has opened for the guy, gal or kid to pass through resulting in the guy, gal and kid to have an absolute expectation that death’s door is going to open up for him or her to enter into the heavenly glories and which will have them join every being who is joyfully singing praises to God – as God the Father, as He sits on His throne which is situated in the center of His awesome, unimaginable celestial cathedral. A guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Spirit, does not prompt to make a decision of faith will find himself or herself as he or she passes through death’s door, falling into an abyss filled with tormented screams and then into a brimstone fire – a place where there is no joy – a place called hell – a place called eternal damnation – a place that God – as God the Father, has plans to purge one day – once and for all, all evil from His unbounded, infinite cosmos. A guy or gal will not fear death’s door if he or she know that his or her death’s door will open into unimaginable joy and peace. If a guy or gal fears death’s door, it is because . . .

God – when He – as God the Spirit, had Apostle John scribe Revelations 5, God – as God the Father, gives each guy, gal and kid who He specially elected before He created planet Earth a glimpse of who is already with Him in His glorious, holy mansion. Every so often, God – as God the Father, slightly opens a window into His house in heaven. When a window of the house that God – as God the Father, is in is cracked open ever so slightly, a dazzling pinpoint shaft of light will emanate on the guy or gal who God – as God the Father, is sending an illuminating sign. Your grandmaa and grandpaa a couple of months ago were invited to watch the premier of a movie. Your grandpaa had not been in a movie theater to watch a movie since your grandpaa was asked by Liberty Loan to transfer in the spring of 1969 to Springfield, Massachusetts to manage the Liberty Loan office that was there. The premier movie called “End of the Spear” is the dramatized life story of Nate Saint as seen through the eyes of his kid – Steve Saint. Nate Saint was a pilot. Nate Saint had a driven passion to make contact with a primitive, very dangerous tribe in Ecuador known as the Aucas. After flying over some Auca dwellings, Nate Saint – and four other missionaries who were with Nate Smith, landed on a nearby, sandy river beach. The Aucas ended up spearing the five guys to death. The Auca who killed Nate Saint with his spear, recounts that he saw Nate Saint – as Nate Saint was dying, bathed in a golden light as a chorus of angels sang. Because of God – as God the Father, having five guys go through death’s door into His glorious home, the good news of what took place on a cross has been able to be passed on to more tribes and nations of guys, gals and kids by more laborers resulting in more guys, gals and kids in tribes – such as the Aucas, living lives that are filled with hope instead of living lives that are filled with fear. The Auca who killed Nate Saint is now like a second dad to Nate Saint’s kid.

If going through death’s door sounds awful or scary to you, verse 9 says, “And they sang a new song: “‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” There is no way for your grandmaa and grandpaa to know who God – as God the Father, specially elected before He created planet Earth to be His adopted kids. What your grandmaa and grandpaa do know is that the call that God – as God the Father – through God – as God the Spirt, gave them to do while they are on planet Earth is to let their lives be a tool for God – as God the Spirit, to use to transform the lives of a few of His specially elected kids on planet Earth Your grandmaa and grandpaa also know that God – as God the Father, is setting the stage for them to be completely engaged with what is already taking place all around Him in heaven – where the Lamb – who is God – as God the Son, is and where 24 elders, creatures and angels can be seen doing what God – as God the Father, has them to doing to reflect His glory back to Him.

Revelation 5 (635)