“I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.”
~ Psalm 146:2


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you already ‘gotten it’? Do you know what it is that you should have gotten? Do you know what is ‘it’ that you should be looking for to have? A psalmist had ‘it’. The Psalm 146 psalm song writer wrote about ‘it’. The ‘it’ is the trust spirit. Do you know how a guy, gal or kid gets the trust spirit? Do you know Who the One is Who passes out the trust spirit? Do you know how Who the One Who gives the trust spirit measures out the trust spirit? Has the trust spirit already been given to you? If you have already been given the trust spirit, how are you doing in trying to use the trust spirit? If you have already been given the trust spirit, do you know how to use the trust spirit? If you have already been given the trust spirit, are you trying to use the trust spirit to do really well in school? If you have already been given the trust spirit, are you trying to use the trust spirit to make a lot of friends? If you have already been given the trust spirit, are you trying to use the trust spirit to get more fun things? Do you think that God wants you to use the trust spirit to try to make yourself happier or to you think that God wants you to use the trust spirit to please Him? Do you think that God gives out trust spirits to guys, gals and kids so that they will trust in themselves to make decisions or choices or do you think that God gives out trust spirits to guys, gals and kids for them to trust in Him to help them make decisions or choices?

Do you know what God has done and what He is doing? Have your dad and/or ma write down all the things that they can think of what God has done and is doing. Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who made the cosmos, Who made planet Earth, Who made the seas and Who made everything that is on planet Earth? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who takes care of guys, gals and kids who are suffering oppression and being exploited, Who makes sure that there is food for guys, gals and kids who are hungry and Who sets free guys and gals who are unjustly jailed? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who gives sight to a blind guy, gal or kid and Who cheers up guys, gals and kids who feel discouraged? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who watches over a guy, gal or kid who is total stranger in another country, Who takes care of orphaned kids and Who helps out gals who have been widowed? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who frustrates the ways of guys, gals and kids who are wicked? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who loves guys, gals and kids who are holy, good and honorable – which is the innate nature of every single Christ-follower guy, gal and kid to be? Did your dad and/or ma write down that God is Who has always reigned and Who will always reign? Do you think that you would be a living being on planet Earth today if there was no Divine Being?

What do you think that it is that God wants from you? Do you think that God wants you to take advantage of everything that He has given to you – such as your lives and all the things that you have, or do you think that God expects you to give back to Him what He has given to you – such as your lives and all the things that you have? Do you think that God wants you to go through life ‘tooting your own horn’ or do you think that God wants you to go through life with having Him the central focus of your lives? Verse 2 says “I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.” Have you ever looked for God? Have you ever sensed God’s presence? If you have received the trust spirit – which a guy, gal or kid will receive at the exact moment when he or she makes a decision of faith by accepting as absolute truth what took place on a cross after a incarnate man – Jesus Christ, was hung on and nailed to it, the trust spirit will begin to wage an internal battle against your ingrained sin spirit to prove to you what God has done. The ensconced sin spirit – which is the old nature, will fight to have a Christ-follower guy, gal and kid remain focused inwardly on self’s ego. An embedded trust spirit will begin to right away encourage a Christ-follower guy, gal or kid to focus outwardly on God’s majestic creation and on every other guy, gal and kid. A Christ-follower guy, gal and kid cannot help but see his or her God in His universe and in every other guy, gal and kid – no matter what the circumstance and situation. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have seen many beautiful places. When your grandmaa and grandpaa were living in Colorado Springs, they could see Pikes Peak when clouds did not cover the resplendent mountain. When your grandmaa and grandpaa were living in Bolivia, your grandpaa would at times find himself alone in the quietness of a Bolivian countryside or jungle. When your grandpaa was a kid, he liked to go fishing alone in Lake Goldsmith. Lake Goldsmith is located about a quarter of a mile south southwest from where he lived when he was a kid. Your grandpaa remembers how beautiful the sunsets were as the sun set over Lake Goldsmith. Your grandpaa also remembers watching low, roiling, greenish clouds moving west to east over the farmhouse where he lived with his dad, ma and siblings. When your grandpaa is alone and when the only sounds that he hears are the sounds of chirping birds, buzzing insects and leaves being stirred by a soft breeze, the presence of God – as God the Spirit, is very real to your grandpaa. How often to you stop to talk with God? How often do you wait to listen for God’s still soft voice to speak to you? You are missing ‘it’ if you are trying to make ‘it’ to be yourself as your lives’ central focus. You have found ‘it’ if you are using the trust spirit that was gifted to you by God – as God the Father, to make Him your lives’ central focus. If you are trying to satisfy your old nature’s appetite with attempts to achieve self-worth and at hoarding things, you will never have your spiritual soul satisfied.

Psalm 146 (807)