“As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.”
~ Micah 7:15


Hi James and Ellen,

If you knew that something catastrophic was going to happen to all the guys, gals and kids who are living today in Delaware, how would you go about warning these guys, gals and kids about this pending cataclysmic disaster? Sometime between 2690 and 2726 years ago, God the Father had a guy by the name of Micah – who was from Moresheth, warn His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem), about their city’s future. Micah was one of God the Father’s prophet spokesmen. Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah. Isaiah was another one of God the Father’s prophet spokesmen. Isaiah was also constantly challenging God’s specially chosen guys and gals to learn from what happened to their northern cousins. The guys and gals who had been living in the land area of Israel – which was the northern part of the land that God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . and who had retained the name of Israel as their land area’s name after . . . had their fate sealed 2726 years ago (or 2743 years ago as if this editing) by an Assyrian army. Micah prophesized what was going to happen to God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land area that they named Judah if they did not stop doing all the things that they were doing that did not please God. Micah clearly says in Micah 7 what God was going to do to His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem). Micah would not get to see the prophesy fulfilled that he made regarding all the guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem). A guy by the name of Jotham had just been made king to rule over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Judah when Micah began doing what he did as one of God’s prophet spokesmen for the next sixty-four years or so until a guy by name of Hezekiah – who was the third king to rule over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Judah, died. A guy by the name of Ahaz was the second guy who ruled as king over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Judah during the time that Micah was walking the streets of Zion (the city of Jerusalem) telling God’s specially chosen guys and gals what God – as God the Spirit, was telling him to tell them. God – as God the Spirit, breathed on His prophet spokesman Micah the exact words that He wanted Micah to record in what is now the Micah Book.

Micah wrote the last chapter of his Micah Book as a dialogue between himself, Zion (the city of Jerusalem) and God. Micah sees himself being in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) at the end of the yearly harvest season looking for some fruit to eat. The clusters of grapes and the early figs that Micah was looking for to eat is how God the Spirit had Micah describe what godly guys and gals would look like if any of these guys and gals were living among God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem). Micah could not find any clusters of grapes or early figs to eat – or any godly guys and gals living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem). All the clusters of grapes and early figs had already been harvested. The godly guys and gals who had been living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) had been either swept out of the city or been hunted down by their ungodly bros and killed. Zion (the city of Jerusalem) was now filled with nothing but evil doers, bribe takers and conspirators. To have to take a message from God the Father to the guys and gals who were still living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) was like going through a briar patch or thorn hedge as all the guys and gals who had remained living at this time in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) were only out to stick each other – not to help each other. Neighbors who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) could no longer be trusted and friends could no longer be confidants. Kids who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) would make their dads and mas look bad by the way that they would act. Micah warns the guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) to get ready for a pending destruction from an enemy nation who will trample them underfoot. The guys and gals who were living in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) responded to Micah by telling him not to gloat over the fact that their city was filled with evil guys and gals – that they were sure that God would soon bring hope and light back again within the walls of Zion (the city of Jerusalem).

God’s voice in this dialogue is barely heard. Verse 15 is what God said, ““As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.” After creating an aura of doom and gloom, Micah ends this chapter with a hint or note of optimism and hope. When your grandmaa and grandpaa arrived with your dad and your Aunt Lynn in Santa Cruz, Bolivia at the end of August in 1978, your grandmaa and grandpaa thought that they were joining a family of missionaries who would be spiritual giants compared to how they felt that they were spiritually. Right after your grandmaa and grandpaa arrived at the South America Mission mission base in Santa Cruz, they heard one of the field team missionary couples bickering between themselves and another one of the field team missionaries told your grandpaa that he has been praying for anarchy – which this missionary thought would be the kind of catalyst that Bolivia needed which would have Bolivian guys, gals and kids become more open to the Gospel. This same missionary also told your grandpaa that your Aunt Lynn might be kidnapped because her hair was so blond. Your grandpaa found out real quick when he arrived in Bolivia how important it had to be for him that he comport himself in a godly way through his actions, words and relationships. Your grandpaa knows how easy it can be to take God for granted just as the guys and gals did who lived in Zion (the city of Jerusalem) when Micah lived on planet Earth.

Micah 7 (490)