“If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name,”’ says the LORD Almighty, “‘I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me.”
~ Malachi 2:2


Hi James and Ellen,

How do you think that God feels about the kind of abhorrent, perversive lifestyles that guys and gals are brazenly living today on planet Earth? How do you think that God feels about the kind of treacherous, derisive lifestyles that Christ-follower guys, gals and kids are being duped into acquiescing to influence how they live their lives today on planet Earth? Because of sin spirit’s continuous intrusive capability, planet Earth is always going to experience violent eruptions, famishing droughts, overflowing watersheds and a quaking crust. Because of sin spirit’s continual invasive capacity, guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth are always going to be acting out through disingenuous actions, compromising activities, immoral actuations and depraved acts. Because of sin spirit’s constant insidious charisma, guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth and who are Christ-followers are always going to face being enticed to vehemently deny, contrarily snub, knowingly ignore and/or purposively confront his or her God. Because of Adam’s disobedience to God’s specific instruction to not to do something by doing the something that he had been told by God not to do, planet Earth has no choice but to suffer the consequences of sin spirit being given an open window to distress, denude, drown and distort it. Guys, gals and kids who have not been led to made a decision of faith by God – as God the Spirit, to believe in what God – as God the Son, did on a cross when through the blood that oozed from His mutilated body became a ransom payment for the sins of guys, gals and kids who intentionally ask for and are forgiven by God – as God the Father, cannot escape having to bear the consequences of sin spirit being given an open window through Adam’s disobedience to denounce, demoralize, defame and destroy them. Guys, gals and kids who have been led to make a decision of faith by God – as God the Spirit, to believe in what God – as God the Son, did on a cross when through the blood that oozed from His mutilated body became a ransom payment for their sins intentionally ask for and are forgiven by God – as God the Father, will still have to endure the consequences of sin spirit being given an open window through Adam’s disobedience to tempt, try, test and trick them to get them to return to living the lifestyle that they were living before becoming a Christ-follower.

God – as God the Father, always knows what has taken place, is taking place and will take place with and on planet Earth. God – as God the Father, has always kept, is always keeping and will always keep His eyes on His specially elected guys, gals and kids – just as He has always kept His eyes on His specially chosen guys, gals and kids. There are times when God – as God the Father, has not been pleased at all with His specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Malachi 2 is God sending a stern warning through Malachi – who was one of His prophet spokesmen, to shape up or else. Verse 2 says, “If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name,”’ says the LORD Almighty, “‘I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me.” Malachi had God – as God the Spirit, breathe on him to scribe that God – as God the Father, had become really tired or wearied of His specially chosen guys and gals thinking that He was okay with them – even when they were acting out in wicked ways. God’s specially chosen guys and gals thought that if God was really upset with them for their appalling behavior, that He would for sure have leveled His justice and punishments on them by this time. God – as God the Spirit, also had Malachi unambiguously scribe in his short missive that God – as God the Father, hates divorce and violence.

God – as God the Spirit, also breathed on Malachi to scribe an admonition to His specially chosen guys and gals – telling them that He will have the spirit of peace taken from them, have them humiliated, have them despised and have manure spread over their faces if He is not continually revered by them. God will not keep on tolerating sustained sinful actions as the deliberate disobedient acts of one guy, gal or kid can and will unvaryingly affect the lives of other guys, gals and kids. Fernando was still hanging out in a Bolivian bar when a curfew went into effect. When Fernando finally left the bar, Fernando was severely hurt when the motorcycle that another missionary gave him to use hit a roundabout curb causing it to crash. When Fernando came out of the coma that he was in from the accident, his mental competency was that of a young kid. Fernando was no longer able to minister as a South America Mission field team missionary. When Tim – while he was still a teenage kid living in Bolivia with his dad, ma and kid bro, sold a truck twice, Tim’s dad and ma had to get him out of Bolivia immediately so that Tim would not be put in jail. Because of what Tim did, Tim’s dad and ma were no longer able to minister as South America Mission field team missionaries. When Jake – while a teenage kid living in Bolivia with his ma, as he was walking through an open market impulsively stole a watch, Jake’s ma had to get him out of Bolivia the next day so that he would not be put in jail which took his ma out of being the South America Mission base hostess. Your grandmaa and grandpaa hope that you will always be faithful to obey God because if you do not . . .

Malachi 2 (779)