“We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.”
~ Joshua 2:10


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you ever played Run Sheep Run, Kick the Can or Hide and Seek? When your grandpaa was a kid, your grandpaa played games outdoors like Run Sheep Run, Kick the Can and Hide and Seek. Your grandpaa’s dad was part of a threshing run that included five farmers whose farms where close to where your grandpaa’s dad’s farm was located – which was one mile west and two miles north of Volga, South Dakota. Your grandpaa’s dad owned the threshing machine. Your grandpaa’s dad also had a Case tractor which he used to make a long, wide belt turn the other belts on the threshing machine in order to winnow out whatever was being threshed – such as oats, flax or barley. The threshing run meetings always took place in the evening and always at the house where your grandpaa’s dad lived. While the guys talked together before a threshing run about how the threshing run would look like and then when they talked together after a threshing run about who owed what to whom, the farmers’ kids would play Run Sheep Run, Kick the Can or Hide and Seek. If you have never ever played Run Sheep Run, Kick the Can or Hide and Seek and if you like to play games where you have to run so that other kids cannot catch you or you have to hide so that other kids cannot find you, you would like to play Run Sheep Run, Kick the Can or Hide and Seek.

Would you like to be a spy someday? A spy has to be really good at ‘staying in the shadows’ in order not to be seen. A spy has to be really good at ‘covering his or her tracks’ so that he or she cannot be caught. Being a spy is a dangerous vocation. A spy is expected to find information in a country about an enemy or a rival people group of guys and gals that would be a help to his or her country or to his or her people group of guys and gals to better be able to win in a battle against the country of an enemy or a rival people group of guys and gals. The city of Jericho was located in the land area that God was giving to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals, had yet to cross through on dry ground the flooding Jordon River into this land area that God was giving His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . the city of Jericho would be the first city in this land area that God was giving to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . that He would have His specially chosen guys and gals obliterate. Before fighting against the guys and gals who were living in the city of Jericho, Joshua sent two guys to spy out the city of Jericho and the area that surrounded the city of Jericho to check out what to expect from the guys and gals who living in the city of Jericho and in the area that surrounded the city of Jericho. After having made a very dangerous excursion into the territory of an enemy people group of guys and gals, the two guys gave a positive summarized report to Joshua of their spy venture. Joshua 2 is the report of the two spies regarding the time that they spent in the city of Jericho. The two guys ended up in a place that was in the wall that surrounded the city of Jericho. The place was lived in by a gal whose name was Rahab. Rahab’s reputation was that of being an immoral gal – a prostitute. The city of Jericho and the area that surrounded the city of Jericho was a micro kingdom ruled by a king. When the king of the city of Jericho and the area that surrounded the city of Jericho was told that there were a couple of Israelite people group guys spying out his city and the area that surrounded his city and that these two guys were hanging out with Rahab, the king of the city of Jericho sent a message to Rahab telling her to hand over to him the two Israelite people group guys. Rahab sent a message back to the king of the city of Jericho telling him that the two spies had stopped by her place but that they had already taken off to someplace else – and that she did not know where that someplace else was. Rahab also said in the message that she sent back to the king of the city of Jericho that she was quite sure that if he hurried, that he would catch the two spies. Rahab’s message that she sent to the king of Jericho was a bold face lie. Rahab had hidden the two spies on her flat roof top under bundles of flax straw so that the two guys would not be found. Rahab knew that she was in more danger from God’s specially chosen guys and gals than she was from her own king. Rahab got the two spies to promise her that they would do everything that they could to save her and her family from being killed when God’s specially chosen guys and gals showed up where she lived to demolish her city. Rahab told the two spies that she would hang a piece of scarlet or red cord from her place’s window to identify where her place was located and which she hoped would save her and her family from being killed when . . .

Rahab’s reason for why she was so ready to help the two Israelite people group spies is in verse 10 “We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.” Rahab told the two spies that all the guys, gals and kids everywhere in the land that God was giving to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . were scared of what was going to happen to them when God’s specially chosen guys and gals entered their land area. Rahab knew that her only hope for her and for her family to remain alive once God’s specially chosen guys began overrunning her city was to find a way to join up with God’s specially chosen guys and gals. The scarlet or red cord became Rahab’s savior. The blood that poured out of Jesus Christ would ransom God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids from all their sins – saving all of us.

Joshua 2 (658)