“But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you.”
~ John 16:7


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you know about God – as God the Father? Before God created the cosmos, God – as God the Father, elected guys, gals and kids to be His own guys, gals and kids. What do you know about God – as God the Son? God sent Himself – as God the Son, to planet Earth where He sacrificed Himself on a cross as a ransom payment for the sins of the guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Father, elected for Himself before the creation of planet Earth. What do you know about God – as God the Spirit? God – as God the Son, when He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God – as God the Father, God – as God the Spirit, replaced God – as God the Son, on planet Earth. God – as God the Spirit, is now moving about planet Earth speaking in a still, quiet voice to the guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Father, elected for Himself – guys, gals and kids like you, your dad, your ma, your grandmaa, your grandpaa, your Uncle Chris, your Aunt Lynn, your . . . Jesus – as God the Son, clearly explained in John 16 to His disciples that He needed to return to His Father – Who is God the Father, so that God – as God the Spirit, would be able to replace Him on planet Earth. Jesus – as God the Son, told His befuddled disciples in verse 7, “But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you.” God – as God the Spirit, has been tasked to convict and prompt each guy, gal and kid who God – as God the Father, elected for Himself before planet Earth’s creation of his or her sin guilt and to live a faith driven life by leading each guy, gal and kid who God – as God the Father, elected past a bloodied cross to accept Jesus – Who was God – as God the Son, as his or her Savior and then to and through the grace/faith door.

God – as God the Spirit, is constantly convicting and prompting in a still, quiet voice the guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Father, elected, before the creation of planet Earth. If a guy, gal or kid has been hardwired by God – as God the Father, to listen for and heed the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit, each guy, gal and kid will do what God – as God the Father, expects him or her to do. It only takes a few times for a guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, has elected of blatantly ignoring the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit, to have the guy, gal or kid begin a slippery slide into the sin pit. When God – as God the Spirit, enters a guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, elected – after God – as God the Spirit, has led the guy, gal and kid to and through the faith/grace door, the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit, will sound really loud and clear to the guy, gal or kid as God – as God the Spirit, instructs him or her as a new member of the ‘body of Christ’ how to live a sanctified or cleansed life by only doing the things that are in the will of God – as God the Father, that He has for His elected guys, gals and kids to do. Guys, gals and kids grow up conditioned – even when they are asleep, to hear the sounds that are all around them. When God – as God the Spirit, leads a guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, has elected to the faith/grace door where he or she will be prompted to make a decision of faith through believing what God – as God the Son, did for him or her through His suffering and death on a cross, God – as God the Father, will have God – as God the Spirit, teach the guy, gal and kid to listen for the still, quiet voice of God – God the Spirit, so that when he or she senses sin danger, he or she will want to look for His help. When your grandpaa was living in Bolivia, your grandpaa was asked to regularly visit as a minor allocation a community called Chochís. It would take your grandpaa at least eighteen hours by train to get from Santa Cruz to Chochís. During each of the visits that your grandpaa made in Chochís, your grandpaa spent time at don Enrique Klava’s small farm. Don Enrique was a tall, lanky transplanted Latvian. Don Enrique’s small farm was located up and around the side of a steep bluff at least three kilometers from Chochís. While your grandpaa was at don Enrique’s farm one day, your grandpaa suddenly saw don Enrique come flapping out of where he was taking a nap and run behind the two story adobe house that was on his farm. When your grandpaa checked out why don Enrique had suddenly burst out of where he was napping and run behind his old adobe house like an out of control scarecrow, your grandpaa found don Enrique whaling away with a thick stick on a boa constrictor. The boa constrictor had a toad in its mouth. Your grandpaa – just a couple of months later, visited Villa Cruz. Villa Cruz is a ranch community where almost every guy, gal and kid who was living in the community had made a decision of faith. After the church service – in which your grandpaa spoke, and as your grandpaa was chatting with a couple of guys, one of the guys suddenly took off running into the brush. Your grandpaa and the other guy who your grandpaa had been chatting with followed the guy who had run off into the brush. Your grandpaa and the other guy found the guy whaling away with a stick on a boa constrictor. This boa constrictor had a chicken in its mouth and it was coiled around the chicken squishing it to death.

Don Enrique and the guy in Villa Crus had been conditioned to subconsciously hear a sound that screamed DANGER. The sound is a scared chicken cackling. No matter what a guy is doing who has been conditioned to hear the sound of a scared chicken cackling, the guy will respond to the chicken. If the guy ignores the sound of a scared chicken cackling, the guy will soon no longer subconsciously hear DANGER. This will happen when a guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, elected foolishly begins to ignore the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit.

John 16 (569)