“When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert; when I saw your fathers, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved.”
~ Hosea 9:10


Hi James and Ellen,

How long do you think that God will allow evil to evolve before He says enough is enough? Why do you think that God allows evil to evolve into even worse evil? Why do you think that God allows guys and gals to abuse each other? Why do you think that God allows guys and gals to kill each other? Why do you think that God allows guys and gals to worship something other than Himself? Hosea – in Hosea 9, is indicting God’s specially chosen guys and gals for no longer living their lives as God expected them to live their lives – which was to faithfully live their lives obeying the mandates that He had given to them for how to worship Him and for how to live good wholesome lives. God’s specially chosen guys and gals – who were the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, about 3450 years ago (or about 3467 years ago as of this editing), had stopped living their lives as God expected them to live their lives. Hosea scribed in verse 10 ““When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert; when I saw your fathers, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved.” Baal Peor was a false deity that was worshipped on the top of Mt. Peor by the Moabite people group’s guys and gals. When God had His specially chosen guys and gals meander about in an arid, barren desert for forty years because they had not trusted in Him to help them defeat real life giants, God had His specially chosen guys and gals camp at a place called Shittim. While God’s specially chosen guys and gals were camped at Shittim, some of the Moabite people group’s gals seduced God’s specially chosen guys to worship their god instead of continuing to trust in the One True God. About 700 years after God’s specially chosen guys and gals were introduced and induced to worship an inanimate idol god – Baal Peor, God chose Hosea to take on the unenviable task of convincing His specially chosen guys and gals – specifically the Ephraim tribal clan guy and gals, that God had had enough of their evil ways. When God has had enough of evolving evil, God will even have the kids killed who He has allowed to be born to evil guys and gals. When God has had enough of evil, look out; God will level on the countries and on His specially elected guys and gals who do not stand up against evil.

Being unfaithful to God is when a guy or gal has had the doing evil seed sown in his or her life. For the doing evil seed to take root, the doing evil seed only takes a single compromise in doing something that is against God’s expectation that He has for His specially elected guys and gals that they will always faithfully live out His mandate on how they are to always live their lives for Him. God’s specially chosen guys and gals were using their annual harvest and threshing times to do compromising things against God’s mandates. When Hosea tried to warn God’s specially chosen guys and gals that their comprising activities were evil, Hosea felt nothing but hostility toward him from them. When Hosea tried to warn God’s specially chosen guys and gals that what they were doing was evil and that they were making God angry and that God had a foreign country’s people group’s army poised to move into their land area to take them away, they tried to get rid of him. Hosea made it very clear to God’s specially chosen guys and gals – specifically the Ephraim tribal clan guys and gals, that God was going to have them taken away by the Assyrian people group’s army to be slaves because of the corruptive evil that they were participating in in places such as Gilgal and because they saw God’s spokesmen – such as himself, as being fools and calling them maniacs.

A new land area over 500 years ago was discovered and settled. As this new land area was being settled by pioneering guys and gals, God had a special place of prominence in the lives of these guys and gals. God’s special place of eminence in the lives of guys and gals over the ensuing years have taken ugly hits in this new area. A misinterpretation by the government of the role that it should have in how God is worshipped has been interpreted as God’s place of importance should never play a role in how government rules. A misguided supreme court legalized the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent unborn lives. When your grandmaa and grandpaa fifty years ago (now 67 years ago as of this editing) were kids, the evil things to do were not like the evil things that are done today. The guys and gals who discovered and settled the new land area really wanted to have God to be preeminent and central in their lives would now find that their land area is on a very slippery slope of evilness that may have God soon doing what He did to His specially chosen guys and gals when He had the Assyrian army overrun Israel’s northern kingdom. The land area that was discovered and settled over 500 years ago fought two wars in order to be able to enjoy the inalienable right to be free and to able to worship God. The land area that was discovered and settled over 500 years ago is now fighting a cultural war that has one side demanding personal, individual rights that are centered on evil and abomination against the other side that is grasping by its fingernails to the founding fathers’ desires of a land area where God is worshipped. Evil guys and gals in positions of power have been chipping away at the God mandated beliefs that Christ-follower guys and gals have. Television shows today promote promiscuity and compromising lifestyles. Evil is glamorized while living a Godly life is belittled. A true life movie story about the death of Christ is trashed while trumped up stories about Christ’s life are called art. What happened to God’s specially chosen guys and gals – explicitly to the guys and gals in the Ephraim tribal clan, is going to also happen to the guys and gals who are living in the United States if they do not return to cherishing God’s divine preeminence.

Hosea 9 (463)