“If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge evil from Israel.”
~ Deuteronomy 22:22


Hi James and Ellen,

Because you are their kids and have a God assigned responsibility to raise and discipline you, have your dad and ma made rules for you to obey? Because you are their students and have a God tasked responsibility to teach you, have your teachers made rules for you to submit to? Because you are His adopted kids who He adopted before He created planet Earth and because He is filled with love for you, has God made rules for you to observe? Your grandpaa thinks that house rules are good, schools need to have rules and God’s family of adopted guys, gals and kids do not have rules. House rules are important to create discipline in a kid’s life. School rules are important to establish order in a student’s life. If God had rules and you did everything that you could to obey His rules, you would be living by works versus faith as you attempt to please God. God mandated His specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals, to live by His rules. The rules that God gave to the Israelite people group guys and gals through the Mosaic Law were nulled when God – as God the Son, was crucified on a cross. The suffering that God – as God the Son, went through after being hung on and nailed to a crude cross and the pouring out of His blood replaced a life rulebook – the Mosaic Law, that God – as God the Father, had given to His specially chosen guys and gals to obey. Deuteronomy 22 lists in it several directives that God – as God the Father, gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to obey. God – as God the Father, gave these commands or mandates to Moses for His specially chosen guys and gals to obey when He met with Moses on Mount Sinai. Per what the Mosaic Law clearly communicates, God – as God the Father, expected His specially chosen guys and gals to respect each other’s possessions, esteem one another and care for what He had created. God – as God the Father, established punishment consequences that included being stoned to death to make certain that His expectations were adhered to.

What would you do if you saw an ox, a sheep or a donkey eating the grass in your backyard or a guy’s coat lying on the sidewalk in front of your house? God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to make sure that they took back to the rightful owner an ox, a sheep or a donkey that they found straying. God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to make sure that they took back to the rightful owner a coat that they found lying someplace. What would you do if you spotted an ox or a donkey lying on the street in front of your house? God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to help an ox or a donkey that has fallen to get back on its feet. What would you do if you saw a nest lying on the ground under a tree – with the ma bird sitting on her baby birds that are still in her nest, or if her eggs still have not hatched, sitting on her eggs. God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to make sure that they did nothing to the ma bird BUT they could do whatever they wanted to do with the baby birds. If your house had a flat roof, would you put a parapet or a railing around the edge of your house’s roof? God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to make sure that they had something around the edges of the flat roofed houses in which they lived so that no one would fall off the house’s roof – which would then cause the owner of the house unnecessary grief. God’s long list of expectations for His specially chosen guys and gals also included not planting two different kinds of seed at the same time in their vineyards, not harnessing an ox and a donkey together to plow a field and not wearing clothes that had wool and linen sown together. Your grandpaa does not know what God’s designated punishment was for His specially chosen guys and gals who opted not to obey a daily life expectation that He had passed on to them through His specific Law or rules – The Mosaic Law, that He gave to Moses when He met with Moses on Mount Sinai.

Even though God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to purposively obey His daily life Laws – which were the Mosaic Laws, they did not seem to be concerned what an immoral, forced or compromised relationship or a self-defilement act would bring. God – per the Mosaic Law, really detests guys and gals who cross dress and who act out differently – such as acting out being the opposite sex, then who He created them to be. God ascribed roles to His specially chosen guys and gals that He expected them to be and that He expects His specially elected guys and gals to be today. God explicitly outlined in the Law – the Mosaic Law, that He passed on to His specially chosen guys and gals through Moses that He would in no way tolerate immoral, forced and compromised relationships. If any relationship was deemed or proven to be immoral, forced or compromised, either the guy or the gal or both would suffer the designated fate of being stoned to death. Verse 22 says, “If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge evil from Israel.” What does this mean to you – and guys and gals, today? God expects you – and guys and gals, to always obey the laws/rules of the land – which includes your house and school rules. Through His unconditional outpouring of His unmerited grace for Christ-follower guys, gals and kids, God expects Christ-follower guys, gals and kids to live by faith in Him and to please Him by bringing through their lives honor and glory to His name. You do not need the Mosaic Law to tell you today what to do and not do; the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit, is telling you what He expects. What do you think will happen to you if you do not listen to the still, quiet voice of God – as God the Spirit, and . . .

Deuteronomy 22 (859)