“Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”
~ Song of Songs 8:7


Hi James and Ellen,

What are your thoughts about the Song of Songs Book? The Song of Songs Book is a unique book. The focus of the Song of Songs Book is on the joys and the distresses of a love relationship that is between a guy and a gal. The Song of Songs Book will make more sense to you when you ‘fall in love’. Song of Songs 8 is the culmination of a growing relationship between a guy and a gal. The relationship between the guy and the gal who found themselves in love with each other began as a mutual admiration of each other. The relationship between the guy and the gal who found themselves in love with each other found their love growing towards each other. The relationship between the guy and the gal who found themselves in love with each other would marry each other. The relationship between the gal and the guy who found themselves in love with each other had their love for each other permanently sealed with the marriage love seal. The relationship between the guy and the gal who found themselves in love with each other found them having a genuine longing for each other when they were separated from each other. The relationship between the guy and the gal who found themselves in love with each other found the guy knowing that as he looked at the gal who he married that she was in his eyes the most beautiful gal that he would ever meet. The relationship between the gal and the guy who found themselves in love with each other would look back on their lives in wonderment and thankfulness as to how their shared, undying love for each other remained so strong for so long. The relationship between the gal and the guy who found themselves in love with each other and who had their relationship sealed with the marriage love seal will never have that love seal broken.

The Song of Songs Book to your grandpaa is a dramatic, explicitly intimate and overtly literal message from God that defines love between a guy and a gal. How do you think that the Song of Songs Book resonates with the societal norms that have become and are becoming established on planet Earth? There is a sense that the societal norms that have become and are becoming established on planet Earth are becoming more and more perverted. There is sense that the societal norms that have become and are becoming established on planet Earth are more and more rejecting God’s mandated expectation for guys to love gals. There is a sense that the societal norms that have become and are becoming established on planet Earth are becoming more and more tolerant of abhorrent, repugnant, repulsive intimate relationships between a guy with another guy and a gal with another gal. God has created guys to have the kind of dynamic, vibrant and intimate relationship that Solomon had with the beautiful gal who he ‘fell madly in love with’ and about whom he wrote the Song of Songs Book. An established, affirmed and growing love between a guy and a gal has God having it happen. A languid, immoral, perverse and gross interaction between a guy with another guy and a gal with another gal has Satan leading it to happen. God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Solomon to write the Song of Songs Book to paint a picture of how beautiful and intimate that love is to be between a guy and a gal who find themselves intertwined together as lifelong partners. Solomon – as he was writing down the words of the Song of Songs Book, reflected in awe and in wonder at his permanently sealed love relationship with his bride when he wrote in verse 7, “Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.” Solomon is telling the guys and gals who read his Song of Songs Book that he unequivocally knows that love can never be bought – that even though he does not say it, that he knows that the love that he has for the gal who he married was gifted to him by God. Solomon is sharing with the readers of his Song of Songs Book that he knows that the true, unconditional love of a gal is the greatest earthly gift that a guy could ever receive on planet Earth – because he is experiencing that kind of love.

Your grandpaa has been blessed with a beautiful gal who has loved your grandpaa unconditionally for nearly forty years. (It will be as of the date of this editing fifty-seven years.) God had it happen that your grandpaa and grandmaa met. God is always Who is behind having a guy meets a gal, having a guy and a gal ‘fall in love’ with each other, having a guy and a gal decide to marry each other and having a guy and a gal live their lives together as a husband and wife once they are married. Unless a guy sees the gal who he has married – like your grandpaa does with your grandmaa, as the most beautiful gal that he has ever met, the gal will not be able to love the guy. A gal will always respond to the love of her guy – her husband, with love. If a gal – the wife, senses that her husband no longer has love for her, the gal will find her love for her guy – the husband, getting dimmer and dimmer. There will always be times when a guy and a gal who ‘fell in love’ with each other and who became husband and wife will have their unquenchable love for each other taxed and attacked. Love is the guy’s sacrificial giving up of his time for the gal who he has married – always putting her before everything else that he does. Your grandpaa sometimes can say all the right things but . . . your grandpaa does not always live out what he says that he knows that he is to do regarding your grandmaa. It is still easy for your grandpaa to look at your grandmaa and to see a very beautiful gal who your grandpaa really is very thankful to have as his wife. Your grandpaa continues to be very thankful to God for bringing your grandmaa into his life to be his helpmate in every situation. To ‘fall in love’ is good if the guy in the relationship between he and the gal always takes on the responsibility for their oneness together before God.

Song of Songs 8 (429)