Judges 19

Judges 19

“Everyone who saw it said, “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Think about it! Consider it! Tell us what to do!” ~ Judges 19:30   Hi James and Ellen, Do you like to watch feel good movies?...
Judges 21

Judges 21

“The people went to Bethel, where they sat before God until evening, raising their voices and weeping bitterly.” ~ Judges 21:2   Hi James and Ellen, What was the worst day that you have experienced? What happened that made a day the worst day that you...
Judges 1

Judges 1

“The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots.” ~ Judges 1:19   Hi James and Ellen, Do you know what succession is? Succession...
Judges 11

Judges 11

“Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah. He crossed Gilead and Manasseh, passed through Mizpah of Gilead, and from there he advanced against the Ammonites.” ~ Judges 11:29   Hi James and Ellen, Do you ever feel like you are different than your...
Judges 18

Judges 18

“There the Danites set up for themselves the idols, and Jonathan son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests for the tribe of Dan until the time of the captivity of the land.” ~ Judges 18:30   Hi James and Ellen, What do you know about...
Judges 16

Judges 16

“Then Samson prayed to the LORD, “O Sovereign LORD, remember me, O God please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” ~ Judges 16:28   Hi James and Ellen, How strong are you? Are you...