“But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.”
~ Psalm 33:18


Hi James and Ellen,

What makes your day? How do you feel when you get to do something that you really wanted to do? How do you feel when you get a good grade? How do you feel when you win a prize? What do you think makes God’s day? Do you think that you make God’s day when you did something that you knew that He wanted you to do? Do you think that you make God’s day when you do well on a test? Do you think that you make God’s day when you win a prize? Have you ever given God the credit for allowing you do what you really wanted to do? Have you ever given God the credit for helping you get a good grade on a test? Have you ever given God the credit for enabling you to be able to win a prize? God expects His specially elected guys, gals or kids to always give Him the credit for anything and everything. A psalm song writer scribed in Psalm 33 why God should always be given the credit for anything and everything. This psalm song was probably scribed by the psalm song writer to be sung as a praise psalm song by a Levi tribal clan choir of guys and gals in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. God expected His specially chosen guys, gals and kids to sing this psalm song to Him with shouts of joy and to praise Him with harps and ten-stringed lyres. What God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to do – which was possibly during the time when either Jehoshaphat or Hezekiah was king over the guys and gals who were living in Judah’s land area – was to sing Him a new song. God expects His specially elected guys, gals and kids who have become Christ-followers to be just as diligent today to worship Him.

God loves/desires/expects righteousness, decency, justice and integrity. God’s love can be found everywhere on planet Earth. God is totally faithful to the words that He – as God the Spirit, breathed on guys to write in the letters, books, diaries, poems and songs that were canonized into a book that is called the Bible. God does not hesitate to take the credit for creating an ordered cosmos that He has filled with stars and ‘heavenly’ bodies. If every star and ‘heavenly body’ in the cosmos were the size of a ping pong ball, all the stars and ‘heavenly’ bodies combined would cover the entire surface of planet Earth to an unimaginable height. God wants His specially elected guys, gals and kids to know that He never stops looking down on them from the throne that He is sitting on in heaven. Verse 18 says, “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.” God expects to be given the credit for having formed every heart and for having designed a perfect plan for every single guy, gal and kid who has lived, is now living and will one day on planet Earth.

God’s perfectly designed plan for your grandmaa and grandpaa last night was that they were to sleep on air mattresses that a missionary friend gave to your grandmaa and grandpaa a number of years ago for them to use. The air mattresses were relegated to the trunk of the Chevrolet Lumina that your grandmaa and grandpaa owned. When your grandmaa and grandpaa sold their Lumina, the air mattresses were relegated to a closet shelf until last night. The air mattress that your grandpaa slept on has a hole in it that . . . in spite of the air mattress that your grandpaa used to sleep on last night having gone soft within a short time after it was inflated, your grandpaa slept okay. Your grandmaa slept just fine on the air mattress that she slept on. When your grandpaa and grandmaa were in Bolivia on the South America Mission field missionary team, your grandmaa and grandpaa slept on air mattresses on church floors, on church benches that were put together so that the sitting part of the two benches faced each other and on the ground. The one night when your grandmaa and grandpaa were living in Bolivia when the temperature dropped below freezing, they were in San José with your dad, Aunt Lynn and an eight week summer team of college age guys and gals. Your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad, Aunt Lynn and the Bolivia summer team of college age guys and gals had sleeping bags that they could use to sleep in on air mattresses that were lying on the floor and on church’s benches in the church that the guys, gals and kids in the San José Christ-follower fellowship attended. The day had been really windy. A cold front moved into the San José area late in the evening. Before your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad, Aunt Lynn and the college age summer team guys and gals crawled into their sleeping bags, everyone sat around a fire drinking hot chocolate. Your Aunt Lynn had not been feeling well. Your grandmaa and grandpaa the next day realized that your Aunt Lynn had the hard measles. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are very thankful that your Aunt Lynn did not get any sicker than what she did. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have learned to wait on God – as they know that their God will always be there to help them, that He will always protect them and that He will always lead them to where He wants them to be. In spite of misguided guys and gals thinking that they know what is best for every guy, gal and kid who is living on planet Earth, your grandmaa and grandpaa know that the God Who they know in a personal way through Himself – as God the Son, is in absolute control of everything and that He is able at any moment and in any way bring to a stop the idiotic plans and/or moronic ideas of these guys and gals.

Psalm 33 (776)