“A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way.”
~ Proverbs 20:24


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you ever wondered why things are the way that they are? Have you ever wondered why you are who you are? Have you ever wondered why you are living on planet Earth at this time? Solomon has the answer. Stuck in Proverbs 20 among a random collection of Solomon’s proverbs is a simple statement that Solomon internalized as truth. This concise, straightforward declaration that Solomon makes in verse 24 says, “A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way.” How is God – as God the Father or Lord, directing your steps? Would you like to know the plan that God – as God the Father or Lord, has for your lives? Would you like to know what God – as God the Father or Lord, has planned for you tomorrow or next week or next month or next year or until you die? Your grandmaa and grandpaa have been asked to be coaches for the September 2007 World Race. World Race is an Adventures in Missions ministry. A World Race lasts for eleven months. The guys and gals who are accepted to go on a World Race will spend a month in eleven different countries over the eleven months that they are on a World Race. When your grandpaa was a missionary with OC International, your grandpaa was hoping that he and your grandmaa would be asked by OC International to visit field missionary teams – at which time your grandmaa and grandpaa would be able to encourage and affirm field team missionaries in the context of where they are living and doing ministry. Your grandpaa began to have an unsettled feeling when it became apparent that what your grandpaa’s supervisor at OC International was expecting your grandpaa to do – which was for your grandpaa to only do what he had assigned or tasked your grandpaa to do, was different than what your grandpaa was sensing that God was expecting him to do after years of training and education – including getting a M.A., after years of life experiences – including over eight years as a field leader and after being instilled with a passion – along with your grandmaa, to enable guys and gals, your grandpaa knew that remaining with OC International would mean that your grandpaa was not listening to the voice of God – as God the Father to . . . the step that God – as God the Spirit, led your grandmaa and grandpaa to contact Adventures in Missions. The decision that your grandmaa and grandpaa made to contact Adventures in Missions came about because your Aunt Lynn and Uncle Chris had gone through Adventures in Missions on a couple of short term trips. Your Aunt Lynn suggested to your grandpaa that he contact Adventures in Missions to find out if there was a fit for your grandmaa and grandpaa at Adventures in Missions. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have been missionaries now for about six months with Adventures in Missions. The director of Shepherd Service at Adventures in Missions had been praying for two years for a couple who has had years of missionary experiences to join her at Adventures in Missions to help her with a growing number of field team missionaries. CathyBell – the director of Shepherd Service at Adventures in Missions, would like to have your grandmaa and grandpaa visit the different Adventures in Missions field team missionaries to pretty much do what your grandpaa envisioning doing through OC International. Your grandmaa and grandpaa would be happy just doing that with the nearly fifty field missionaries who are with Adventures in Missions who have more than a two year status as missionaries with Adventures in Missions but . . . your grandpaa is looking forward now to the probability of flying with the upcoming September 2007 World Race team to Bangkok where your grandpaa will stay to give presence and be a resource for two or three weeks for the September 2007 World Race team as they begin their difficult and challenging eleven month, life transforming trek to eleven different countries. (Your grandpaa would actually spend a month in Thailand with the four separate – six member, September 2007 World Race squads.)

Solomon was probably the smartest dude to ever live on planet Earth. Even though Solomon may have been the smartest dude who probably ever lived on planet Earth, Solomon’s personal life sometimes communicates another picture. Even though Solomon had this thing for accumulating wealth and women, Solomon also had this thing for articulating truth in summary and succinct ways. Even though Solomon may have at times compromised the life values that he used proverbs to communicate as truth absolutes, Solomon’s proverbial sayings are to ring today as much as truth absolutes as these proverbial sayings did going on 3000 years ago when Solomon stated or scribed them. Solomon had no patience for guys and gals who lived lives of impropriety, immorality and injustice. Solomon called guys and gals unwise who let wine lead them astray and beer make them brawlers. Solomon called guys and gals honorable who did what they could to avoid arguments. Solomon called guys and gals fools who always want to quarrel. Solomon called guys sluggards who did not plow their fields when it was the season to plow fields. Solomon spoke for God when he said God detests guys and gals who mess with weights that weigh food so that they can cheat guys and gals out of their money.

Solomon not only used his proverbial sayings to pungently point out evil life norms; he used his proverbial sayings to poignantly point out good life norms. One Solomon proverb ends by saying that righteous guys have kids who will bless them. Just as Solomon knew internally that God – as God the Father, controls his life, your grandmaa and grandpaa are praying that you are learning the same thing – that God – as God the Father, controls your lives.

Proverbs 20 (847)