“Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”
~ Daniel 12:10


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you ever thought about what will happen to you when you die? Dying is something that most guys, gals and kids probably do not often think about. Even though your grandpaa does not often think about dying, he has wondered at times what really does take place when a guy, gal or kid dies and what it means when a guy or gal says that he or she saw a very bright light at the very moment that the guy or gal knew that he or she was crossing from being alive to being dead. Some guys and gals have attributed this very bright light to being heaven’s light or being in the presence of God. Your grandpaa is convinced that when a guy, gal or kid dies that something does take place; he just does not know what that something actually entails. Your grandpaa believes that God – as God the Father, has embedded a soul in His specially elected guys, gals and kids that is awakened by God – as God the Spirit, when the guy, gal or kid passes through the faith/grace door as he or she is confessing his or her sins while he or she is accepting Jesus – as God the Son, as his or her Lord and Savior. Your grandpaa is unsure about the relationship that God – as God the Father, has with guys, gals and kids who He has not specially elected to be His adopted kids. Per what Daniel saw in the vision that he scribed about in his Daniel Book – in Daniel 12, God – as God the Father, preordained moments in His unfolding plan that He had for the Israelite people group guys and gals – His specially chosen guys and gals, for them to be exiled, abused and/or killed by guys from enemy nations and people groups who God – as God the Father, would send to do a number on them. Your grandpaa wonders whether or not that this vision that Daniel had does not only focus on or apply to God’s specially chosen guys and gals; but that it is actually focusing on and applies to all the guys, gals and kids who have ever lived and will one day be living on planet Earth when . . . through this vision that He gave to Daniel, God – as God the Father, explains to Daniel that at a certain predestined moment that He is going to have His great prince – who was Michael, ratchet up what He designated or tasked Michael to do. God – as God the Father, assigned Michael the responsibility of being the angelic protector of His specially chosen and elected guys, gals and kids. God – as God the Father, through this vision that He is giving to Daniel, continues to explain to Daniel that when that day arrives when He has Michael step up his role that He has assigned him to or tasked him that there will be a time of horrifying distress and horrific misery the likes of what has never before been seen or experienced on planet Earth. Daniel was also told by God – as God the Father, that the multitudes of guys, gals and kids who have died – but who He describes as sleeping in planet Earth’s dust, will wake up and then sent to their predetermined designations which for some will be to heaven and to an everlasting life of peace and joy while for others it will be to hell and to an everlasting life of contempt and shame.

So – what do you think takes place when you die? Your grandpaa is leaning towards thinking that when a guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, has specially elected to be His, dies, that the body of the guy, gal or kid will remain on planet Earth while his or her embedded soul will be translated or taken immediately up into heaven. Your grandpaa does not know what gets sent to hell from a guy, gal or kid when the guy, gal or kid – who has not been specially elected by God – as God the Father, to be His, dies. God – as God the Father, also told Daniel in the vision that He was giving him that He wanted Daniel to roll the scroll back up that He had given him to look at and to seal the scroll – which will remain sealed until the end times when it will be opened again. God – as God the Father, then told Daniel in verse 10 that “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” Some guys are teaching that because God – as God the Father, has the power to overcome the gate of hell, that God – as God the Father, at the end time will save all the guys, gals and kids who He has not elected to be His and who have been sent to hell. Your grandpaa does not believe that this will happen as it seems to your grandpaa that God is making it clear through the vision that He gave to Daniel that He was not redeeming all guys, gals and kids through His death – as God the Son, on a cross – that there will always be guys, gals and kids who will be living on planet Earth that because of their having a God prescribed role being a Satan gofer will never know what it is like to live a righteous, hope filled life.

When your grandpaa was an undergraduate student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, he, your grandmaa, dad and Aunt Lynn lived in the Zeiger-Mueller funeral home. Your grandmaa and grandpaa got to where they could pretty much tell if a dead guy or gal was a Christ-follower or not a Christ-follower by the look that was on his or her face after he or she had been embalmed. The face of a dead guy or gal who was Christ-follower would invariably look serene while the face of a dead guy or gal who was a non-Christ-follower would invariably have a grimace. Have you ever seen a dead guy or gal? What is left of a guy, gal or kid when the guy, gal or kid dies is a corpse. A corpse is the shell of the guy, gal or kid who died. The corpse of a guy, gal or kid will oftentimes be buried in a tomb or grave or sometimes be cremated. Do you think that a guy, gal or kid will get a new identifiable appearance when he or she dies and is taken to heaven or sent to hell or do you think that . . . your grandpaa believes that when a Christ-follower guy, gal or kids goes to heaven that all that he or she will want to do is to join in on praising God.

Daniel 12 (850)