“He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.”
~ Daniel 11:45


Hi James and Ellen,

Ask your dad if he likes to study Biblical prophecies. Ask your dad if he has ever thought about what Daniel wrote in the book that is in the Bible that is known as the Daniel Book. Ask your dad to explain to you in kid words what a prophecy is and what it means to prophesize. A prophecy is a prediction of what is going to happen years and years before what has been prophesized happens. Daniel was from the Israelite people group. Guys from the Israelite people group were God’s specially chosen guys. Daniel was born in the same land that 1500 to 1200 years earlier God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their extended families would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . God – about 800 years before Daniel was born, had Moses lead His specially chosen guys, gals and kids back to the land that He had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that . . . when God had the Babylonian army overrun the land which He had given to His specially chosen guys, gals and kids to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . and to take away many of God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids to be exiled slaves in Babylonia, Daniel may not have been twenty years old yet. Why do you think that God let the Babylonian army overrun the land that God had promised Abraham, Issac and Jacob that . . . after God had His specially chosen guys, gals and kids return to the land to live in it once again? Why do you think that God let the Babylonian army take many of God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids back to Babylonia to be slaves? God had about 850 years earlier given His specially chosen guys and gals at Mount Sinai laws to obey that would have them worshipping only Him. God’s specially chosen guys and gals – instead of worshipping only God, decided to worship things called idols instead of being obedient to the laws that God had given them which would have had God’s specially chosen guys and gals only worshipping God. Idols are nothing more than pieces of wood, chunks of stone and things made out of a metal. God gave His specially chosen guys and gals every chance in the world to worship only Him through being obedient to His laws but . . . God finally sent Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army to teach His specially chosen guys and gals one more life lesson as to why it is so important to follow Him through absolute obedience. Your grandpaa does not want you to grow up forgetting God by doing what you want to do. It is really scary to think of what might happen to you if you decide to forget God to do what you want to do with your lives.

Daniel did not want to forget God. Daniel wanted to worship God even in the foreign country where he had been exiled to to be a Babylonian slave. After Daniel was taken away by the Babylonia army and became a slave in Babylonia, God one day had Daniel set his mind to always serve Him. God blessed Daniel as a young guy. God blessed Daniel in his relationship with the last two Babylonian kings – Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, before the Medes conquered Babylon. God blessed and kept Daniel safe during the time that Darius – the Medes king, ruled where Daniel was living. Daniel is a lot older in Daniel 11 than what Daniel was when he first arrived in Babylonia from Jerusalem. God blessed Daniel’s faithfulness in serving Him and for doing what He wanted Daniel to do. God blessed Daniel by having Daniel be the one who would tell the world what would take place 200 to 350 years after he wrote down what God told him in a dream. Daniel wrote about the Ptolemies – who were the Egyptians, and the Seleucids, who were the Syrians, and the conflict that these two countries would constantly have with each other from 323 years to 150 years before Jesus was born. Do you know what country is located between Syria and Egypt? Egypt is located to the south of this country while Syria is located to the north of this country. Do you watch the news on TV with your dad? What two groups of guys have been in the news a lot since the first of this year? The two groups of guys who have been in the news a lot have been the Palestinians and the Israelites. The Palestinians really do not like the Israelites while the Israelites are just plain tired of being killed by the Palestinians. Israelites are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids while the Palestinian guys, gals and kids are from the Philistine people group guys, gals and kids. The Israelite people group’s army should have destroyed the Philistine guys, gals and kids when God led His specially chosen guys, gals and kids into the land that He had promised them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . Palestine means the country of the Philistines. There have been guys fighting for 3400 years or so over this very small country. Much of Palestine today is called Israel. Why do you think that a strip of land that is about three times larger than Delaware is so important to so many guys? Israel is God’s country. Israel is where God sent His only Son – Jesus Christ, to shed His blood while suffering on a cross for all of His elected guys, gals and kids who He specially chose before He created planet Earth.

God blessed Daniel also by letting Daniel be the one to tell the whole world what will one day take place on planet Earth. There is going to be an entity on planet Earth who will be known as the antichrist. The antichrist is not going to be a good entity. The antichrist will try to rule every country on planet Earth. The antichrist will per what God had Daniel write in verse 45, “He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.” When the antichrist makes his appearance on planet Earth, the antichrist will rule planet Earth from God’s country – Israel. God spoke through Daniel 2500 years ago to tell you today to be prepared for the antichrist’s arrival. Your grandpaa thinks that it is a great time to be alive at this time.

Daniel 11 (178)